Hardwood Species
Time Limit: 10000MS Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 21845 Accepted: 8551 DescriptionHardwoods are the botanical group of trees that have broad leaves, produce a fruit or nut, and generally go dormant in the winter.
America’s temperate climates produce forests with hundreds of hardwood species – trees that share certain biological characteristics. Although oak, maple and cherry all are types of hardwood trees, for example, they are different species. Together, all the hardwood species represent 40 percent of the trees in the United States.On the other hand, softwoods, or conifers, from the Latin word meaning “cone-bearing,” have needles. Widely available US softwoods include cedar, fir, hemlock, pine, redwood, spruce and cypress. In a home, the softwoods are used primarily as structural lumber such as 2x4s and 2x6s, with some limited decorative applications.
Using satellite imaging technology, the Department of Natural Resources has compiled an inventory of every tree standing on a particular day. You are to compute the total fraction of the tree population represented by each species.
InputInput to your program consists of a list of the species of every tree observed by the satellite; one tree per line. No species name exceeds 30 characters. There are no more than 10,000 species and no more than 1,000,000 trees.
OutputPrint the name of each species represented in the population, in alphabetical order, followed by the percentage of the population it represents, to 4 decimal places.
Sample InputRed Alder
Ash Aspen Basswood Ash Beech Yellow Birch Ash Cherry Cottonwood Ash Cypress Red Elm Gum Hackberry White Oak Hickory Pecan Hard Maple White Oak Soft Maple Red Oak Red Oak White Oak Poplan Sassafras Sycamore Black Walnut Willow Sample OutputAsh 13.7931
Aspen 3.4483 Basswood 3.4483 Beech 3.4483 Black Walnut 3.4483 Cherry 3.4483 Cottonwood 3.4483 Cypress 3.4483 Gum 3.4483 Hackberry 3.4483 Hard Maple 3.4483 Hickory 3.4483 Pecan 3.4483 Poplan 3.4483 Red Alder 3.4483 Red Elm 3.4483 Red Oak 6.8966 Sassafras 3.4483 Soft Maple 3.4483 Sycamore 3.4483 White Oak 10.3448 Willow 3.4483 Yellow Birch 3.4483 HintThis problem has huge input, use scanf instead of cin to avoid time limit exceeded.
10000ms的time limit……….
1.很好理解的简单trie树(如果我这句话伤害到其他人了,我收回这句话,。,。,。) 2.简单快排(这个真真简单,30行基本就搞定了) 3.STL神器:map 4.看到Discuss里面有用BST这个神奇的东西的(表示不会) 5.一个hash这道题有一些比较坑的地方,建议G++WA的同学们交C++!!!
我同样的程序G++WA了,C++AC 鬼知道为什么。另外,输入要用gets()。gets()是到’\n’结束的,空格不是结束的标志,正好适用此题。
#include#include #include using namespace std;struct trie{ int num; trie *next[256];};trie *root=new trie;char ans[55];int cnt=0;void insert(char ch[]){ trie *p=root,*newtrie; for(int i=0;ch[i]!='\0';i++) { if(p->next[ch[i]]==NULL) { newtrie=new trie; for(int j=0;j<256;j++) { newtrie->next[j]=NULL; } newtrie->num=0; p->next[ch[i]]=newtrie; p=newtrie; } else { p=p->next[ch[i]]; } } p->num++;}void dfs(trie *p,int t){ if(p->num!=0) { ans[t]=0; printf("%s %.4lf\n",ans,100*p->num/(1.0*cnt)); } for(int i=0;i<256;i++) { if(p->next[i]!=NULL) { ans[t]=i; dfs(p->next[i],t+1); } }}int main(){ for(int i=0;i<256;i++) root->next[i]=NULL; root->num=0; char s[45]; while(gets(s)) { insert(s); cnt++; } dfs(root,0);}